Friday, February 13, 2015

Try These 7 Exercise Tips

1) Always workout on Monday
Start your week out right, this is more mental than anything. Get week off to a great start!! Continue the trend throughout the week

2) Try to workout in the morning
I know this is easier said than done. I hear you...I am not a morning person, however, when I can drag myself out of bed and workout in the mornings I always feel i have a super productive day. It gets me up ready, awake and energized for the day

3) Never skip two workouts in a row
We all have a life and sometimes our workouts get skipped. It happens, but try not to miss two workouts in a row, this can affect your workout routine for the worse

4) Reward and acknowledge your results (no matter how small)
Make sure you are giving yourself "a pat on the back" as they say, even if you have achieved a small milestone like losing your first pound. It will put yourself in a positive mind set that will make you keep going because you can do this after all

5) Exercise several times a week
It's hard to be active every day but lets face facts, working out once a week isn't enough. Adults are encouraged to try to be active 5 days a week for at least 30min

6) Look for affordable workout 
You do not need to always be spending money when working out. Try something free like going for a run or riding your bike. Get others involved and play football or basketball with some friends.

7) Make exercising more enjoyable
It's proven that if you enjoy something you are more likely to stick with it. If you don't like running then don't run. Find a workout that you like to do. Whether it's going to the gym, buying a workout DVD and doing your workout at home, playing basketball, soccer, baseball, find something that you enjoy!

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